Lake Oroville Area Campground Map

Lake Oroville, California
Lake Oroville, California

Lake Oroville Area Campground Map

California's Best Camping

map of campground locations around Lake Ororville and New Bullards Bar, CA Little Beaver Campgrounds Redfeather Campground Running Deer Campground Horse Campground Black Rock Campground Wyandotte Campground Peninsula Campground Lime Saddle Campground Lake Oroville Floating Campgriounds Sly Creek Campground Strawberry Campground Bidwell Canyon Campground Lake Oroville Boat-in Campgrounds Loafer Creek Campground Loafer Creek Equestrian Campground Bullards Bar Boat-in Campgrounds Dark Day Campground Schoolhouse Campground Hornswoggle Group Campground Collins Lake Campground Englebright Lake Boat-in Campgrounds Inn Town Campground Scotts Flat Campground Sycamore Ranch Campground

map of campground locations around Lake Ororville and New Bullards Bar, CA Redfeather Campground Running Deer Campground Horse Campground Black Rock Campground Wyandotte Campground Peninsula Campground Lime Saddle Campground Lake Oroville Floating Campgriounds Sly Creek Campground Strawberry Campground Lake Oroville Boat-in Campgrounds Bidwell Canyon Campground" Loafer Creek Campground Loafer Creek Equestrian Campground Bullards Bar Boat-in Campgrounds Dark Day Campground Schoolhouse Campground Hornswoggle Group Campground Collins Lake Campground Scotts Flat Campground Englebright Lake Boat-in Campgrounds Inn Town Campground Sycamore Ranch Campground
map of campground locations around Lake Ororville and New Bullards Bar, CA Little Beaver Campgrounds Redfeather Campground Running Deer Campground Horse Campground Black Rock Campground Wyandotte Campground Peninsula Campground Lime Saddle Campground Lake Oroville Floating Campgriounds Strawberry Campground Lake Oroville Boat-in Campgrounds Bidwell Canyon Campground Loafer Creek Campground Sly Creek Campground Bullards Bar Boat-in Campgrounds Loafer Creek Equestrian Campground Dark Day Campground Schoolhouse Campground Hornswoggle Group Campground Collins Lake Campground Englebright Lake Boat-in Campgrounds Sycamore Ranch Campground Scotts Flat Campground Inn Town Campground

Selection of the Best Campgrounds is based on a combination of campground facilities, campground ambiance, and the proximity of outstanding recreational opportunities. The ratings are intended to serve as a general guide and may not always concur with the interests and experiences of others.

- Last Updated January 2025 -

Lake Oroville Area Campgrounds

Many of the lakes in the greater Lake Oroville area offer wonderful campsites which serve as bases for boating, fishing, horseback riding, hiking, and other adventures. Some campgrounds in Plumas National Forest, such as those at Sly Creek Reservoir and Little Grass Valley Reservoir, are included on the Oroville map for continuity.

Group camps are found at Lime Saddle, Loafer Creek, Collins Lake, Scotts Flat Lake, Sycamore Ranch, and Hornswoggle campgrounds. The Boston Bar Boat-in Campground at Englebright Lake also has group campsites. Equestrian Campsites are located at Loafer Creek and at Little Grass Valley Reservoir.