Ebbetts Pass
Campground Map

Lake Alpine, CA
Lake Almanor, CA

Ebbetts Pass
Campground Map

Ebbetts Pass Campgrounds
Lake Alpine Campgrounds
Calaveras Big Trees Campgrounds

map of campgrounds at Lake Alpine and the surrounding area, CA Bloomfield Campground Mosquito Lakes Campground Pacific Valley Campground Highland Lakes Campground Pine Marten Campground Silvertip Campground Silver Valley Campground Lake Alpine Campground Union and Utica Reservoir Campgrounds Stanislaus River Campground Spicer Reservoir Campground Spicer Reservoir Group Campground
map of Lake Alpine campground locations, CA Mosquito Lakes Campground Bloomfield Campground Pacific Valley Campground Silver Valley Campground Pine Marten Campground Silvertip Campground Highland Lakes Campground Lake Alpine Campground Union and Utica Reservoir Campgrounds Spicer Reservoir Campground Stanislaus River Campground Spicer Reservoir Group Campground
map of Ebbetss Pass campground locations, CA Bloomfield Campground Pacific Valley Campground Mosquito Lakes Campground Highland Lakes CAmpground Union and Utica Reservoirs campgrounds Spicer Reservoir Campground Spicer Reservoir Group Campground Stanislaus River Campground Silver Valley Campground Pine Marten Campground Silvertip Campground Lake Alpine Campground Wakaluu Hep Yoo Campground North Grove Campground Oak Hollow Campground Enviromental Campsites
map of campgrounds in Calaveras Big Trees State Park Wakaluu Hep Yoo Campground North Grove Campground Oak Hollow Campground Environmental Campsites
map of campgrounds in Calaveras Big Trees State Park Wakaluu Hep Yoo Campground North Grove Campground Oak Hollow Campground Environmental Campsites

Ebbetts Pass Adventures

For anyone camping on Ebbetts Pass, the Gold Rush town of Murphys is worth a full day visit. Find wine tasting, a museum, the historic Murphys Hotel, and plenty of fine restaurants and shops. Murphys is one of the most active towns on the Ebbetts Pass corridor with events taking place almost every weekend. Farther up the pass Bear Valley always has activities available. Check out mountain bike or kayak rentals. If you time it right, you might be able to pick up tickets to the Bear Valley Music Festival held in late July through early August.

For the more adventurous visit Mercer Caverns or Moaning Cavern. At the latter you will also find a climbing wall and zip lines. Near Arnold drive down to White Pines Lake and tour the Logging Museum or take a stroll on the Arnold Rim Trail. A drive over Ebbetts Pass to Markleeville is another great outing. The scenic route is especially colorful in autumn.

Whichever campground you choose along the Ebbetts Pass Highway, you are bound to be close to plenty of wonderful things to do, from fishing or hiking to mountain biking or kayaking.

Ebbetts Pass Campgrounds

The Ebbetts Pass corridor is filled with great campgrounds from Calaveras Big Trees State Park all the way up the to summit near Highland Lakes Campground. Among the most popular camping destinations is Lake Alpine. Campers can set up at Lake Alpine Campground near the boat launch ramp or around on the other side of the lake at Pine Marten Campground or Silver Valley Campground. A Backpackers' Camp is located near Pine Marten Campground.

Farther up Ebbetts Pass, a Group Camp is located at Spicer Meadow Reservoir. Small and Large Group sites are also found in Calaveras Big Trees State Park along with five more primitive environmental camps.

An Equestrian Area is designated at one end of Pacific Valley Campground.

- Last Updated January 2025 -